Church Center App

Introducing the Church Center App


How to Set Up the Church Center App

1. Download

The Church Center app is conveniently available for both iOS and Android devices. You can click on the App Store or Google Play links above to quickly find the Church Center app on your platform.

2. Open

Once the app has downloaded, open it up, and click the “Get Started” button.

3. Your Location

Next, you will click the “Use My Location” button and allow the app permission to find your location.

4. Believers Church

Once the app has found your location, you will see a list of churches in our area that also use the Church Center app. From the list choose Believers Church and click on the “This Is My Church” button.

5. Log In

Next, you will log into the app using your phone number, provided you already have a Planning Center account. If you don’t have an account it will only take you a few minutes to set one up. Then, Planning Center will text you a confirmation code – enter the code and click NEXT.

6. You are Connected

And finally click on the “Continue” button, and you are now connected with Believers Church through the app.