Welcome Home

Welcome Home

We’ve gone to great lengths – seeking wisdom through prayer and counsel – as to our plan of action for returning home as a community of believers. I ask that you agree with me in prayer over each phase of our coming home. You are needed in this moment. You have a purpose from heaven to move God’s kingdom forward, even during a crisis shutdown of local churches. Together, we can continue to build community and move towards being home, worshiping again as God’s body on the corner of Pope & Bomar. Robbyn and I, the staff, and the elders of this house love you and look forward to leading the charge as we move ahead.
Pastor Mark & Robbyn

I would like to host a gathering
I would like to find a gathering

Phase 1

May 25th – July 5th

GATHERING OF BGROUPS – Beginning May 25th our BGroups will resume meeting. BGroup leaders will set the meeting times and communicate with those who have been part of their ongoing group. You can browse all of our BGroups and meeting times by clicking here.

ORGANIC GATHERING OF COMMUNITY – Beginning May 25th, we are asking that you consider inviting friends to gather with you to be part of church online – organically and not part of an official BGroup. Some may not feel comfortable gathering in a BGroup, but may feel more inclined to come to your home and build some fellowship time. We ask that you do this on your own accord, as you so desire. By doing so, you can help us begin to reconnect our community to relationship building and discipleship.

Phase 2

MAY 30th * JUNE 6th * JUNE 13th * JUNE 20th * JUNE 27th

CORPORATE PRAYER GATHERING – On each of the Saturdays above, we will be gathering on our church property for corporate prayer. Each gathering will be from 5:15 – 6:15 P.M. We are making this gathering as safe as possible for those who may be concerned. Each of our buildings will be open, as well as our 12 acres of property, for you to gather with your church family and pray – all the while being able to keep a safe distance should you so desire. We will have a brief time of worship, Bible reading, then distribute prayer cards for you to follow along with others in prayer. If you cannot make it to these prayer gatherings, feel free to stop by the church and get a prayer card. You can join with our church body and pray along with us from your home. Prayer cards will be posted on all of our social media sites as well. *Children are welcome to join you. We will not, however, be offering childcare.

Phase 3

July 5th 9:15 & 11:15

CORPORATE WORSHIP GATHERING – WELCOME HOME! We so look forward to worshiping with you again as a body of believers. We will gather as usual – worship, Scripture reading, prayer, study the Word, and partaking of communion.

*All BKids ministries will be open and ready for you and your kids to participate.

Until We Gather Together!

Church Online
Need Prayer